Application Protocols
BIOQUANT LIFE SCIENCE comes with templates for many bioscience research protocols. It is also easily customized for unique protocols. If your laboratory has a Technical Services Plan, we will even customize templates for you. Click on the image below to browse through sample protocols.
Using Feulgen staining to linearly stain DNA contained in cell nuclei, BIOQUANT calculates the genome size of a target species based on the genome size of a referent species.
In semi-thin sections with myelin specific staining, BIOQUANT automatically detects myelinated axons. Detection is based on color, shape, and size. Shape filters automatically exclude obliquely cut axons.
In retinal cross-sections, a specialized tool analyzes the thickness of consecutive layers. Once the boundaries between layers are traced, perpendicular thickness is measured automatically at regularly spaced intervals along the surface.
Using BIOQUANTs Editing Tools, the histologist defines the EEL boundaries. Once defined, BIOQUANT will use the defined threshold to automatically measure the EEL and IEL.
Using the DAB chromagen, BIOQUANT identifies PCNA+ chondrocytes. Size and shape filters exclude non-specific staining. Using the counterstain, BIOQUANT identifies the other chondrocytes in the referent area.
S35 radiolabeling and silver grain emulsion dipping identify mRNA signals in tissue sections. Using either standardized circular regions or free-drawn boundaries, BIOQUANT can analyze the degree of grain labeling in a cell population.
Using automated tracing algorithms, BIOQUANT measures cross-sectional area in serially sectioned volumes of tissue.
Using a consistent "expression threshold," BIOQUANT rapidly quantifies the area of protein expression in specific anatomical regions.
BIOQUANT Life Science includes Densitometry Tools for receptor binding assays, quantitative autoradiography, in-situ hybridization histochemistry, and whole-body autoradiography, and grayscale digital cameras/image support.
BIOQUANT Life Science includes the Stereology Toolkit. Stereology Grids provide an established set of tools for the stereological estimation of cell number. Stereology templates are provided for the Optical Fractionator Project, Lung Stereology, and Cavalieri Stereology.