
Low-Magnitude Mechanical Signals Combined with Zoledronic Acid Reduce Musculoskeletal Weakness and Adiposity in Estrogen-Deprived Mice


Gabriel M. Pagnotti, Trupti Trivedi, Laura E. Wright, Sutha K. John, Sreemala Murthy, Ryan R. Pattyn, Monte S. Willis, Yun She, Sukanya Suresh, William R. Thompson, Clinton T. Rubin, Khalid S. Mohammad, Theresa A. Guise


Combination treatment of Low-Intensity Vibration (LIV) with zoledronic acid (ZA) was hypothesized to preserve bone mass and muscle strength while reducing adipose tissue accrual associated with complete estrogen (E2)-deprivation in young and skeletally mature mice. Complete E2-deprivation (surgical-ovariectomy (OVX) and daily injection of aromatase inhibitor (AI) letrozole) were performed on 8-week-old C57BL/6 female mice for 4 weeks following commencement of LIV administration or control (no LIV), for 28 weeks. Additionally, 16-week-old C57BL/6 female E2-deprived mice were administered ±LIV twice daily and supplemented with ±ZA (2.5 ng/kg/week). By week 28, lean tissue mass quantified by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was increased in younger OVX/AI+LIV(y) mice, with increased myofiber cross-sectional area of quadratus femorii. Grip strength was greater in OVX/AI+LIV(y) mice than OVX/AI(y) mice. Fat mass remained lower in OVX/AI+LIV(y) mice throughout the experiment compared with OVX/AI(y) mice. OVX/AI+LIV(y) mice exhibited increased glucose tolerance and reduced leptin and free fatty acids than OVX/AI(y) mice. Trabecular bone volume fraction and connectivity density increased in the vertebrae of OVX/AI+LIV(y) mice compared to OVX/AI(y) mice; however, this effect was attenuated in the older cohort of E2-deprived mice, specifically in OVX/AI+ZA mice, requiring combined LIV with ZA to increase trabecular bone volume and strength. Similar improvements in cortical bone thickness and cross-sectional area of the femoral mid-diaphysis were observed in OVX/AI+LIV+ZA mice, resulting in greater fracture resistance. Our findings demonstrate that the combination of mechanical signals in the form of LIV and anti-resorptive therapy via ZA improve vertebral trabecular bone and femoral cortical bone, increase lean mass, and reduce adiposity in mice undergoing complete E2-deprivation.

One Sentence Summary: Low-magnitude mechanical signals with zoledronic acid suppressed bone and muscle loss and adiposity in mice undergoing complete estrogen deprivation.

Translational Relevance Postmenopausal patients with estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer treated with aromatase inhibitors to reduce tumor progression experience deleterious effects to bone and muscle subsequently develop muscle weakness, bone fragility, and adipose tissue accrual. Bisphosphonates (i.e., zoledronic acid) prescribed to inhibit osteoclast-mediated bone resorption are effective in preventing bone loss but may not address the non-skeletal effects of muscle weakness and fat accumulation that contribute to patient morbidity. Mechanical signals, typically delivered to the musculoskeletal system during exercise/physical activity, are integral for maintaining bone and muscle health; however, patients undergoing treatments for breast cancer often experience decreased physical activity which further accelerates musculoskeletal degeneration. Low-magnitude mechanical signals, in the form of low-intensity vibrations, generate dynamic loading forces similar to those derived from skeletal muscle contractility. As an adjuvant to existing treatment strategies, low-intensity vibrations may preserve or rescue diminished bone and muscle degraded by breast cancer treatment.

Report From the 6th International Meeting on Bone Marrow Adiposity (BMA2020)


Erica L. Scheller, Meghan E. McGee-Lawrence, and Beata Lecka-Czernik


The 6th International Meeting on Bone Marrow Adiposity (BMA) entitled “Marrow Adiposity: Bone, Aging, and Beyond” (BMA2020) was held virtually on September 9th and 10th, 2020. The mission of this meeting was to facilitate communication and collaboration among scientists from around the world who are interested in different aspects of bone marrow adiposity in health and disease. The BMA2020 meeting brought together 198 attendees from diverse research and clinical backgrounds spanning fields including bone biology, endocrinology, stem cell biology, metabolism, oncology, aging, and hematopoiesis. The congress featured an invited keynote address by Ormond MacDougald and ten invited speakers, in addition to 20 short talks, 35 posters, and several training and networking sessions. This report summarizes and highlights the scientific content of the meeting and the progress of the working groups of the BMA society (http://bma-society.org/).

Conditional loss of IKKα in Osterix + cells has no effect on bone but leads to age-related loss of peripheral fat


Jennifer L. Davis, Nitin Kumar Pokhrel, Linda Cox, Nidhi Rohatgi, Roberta Faccio & Deborah J. Veis


NF-κB has been reported to both promote and inhibit bone formation. To explore its role in osteolineage cells, we conditionally deleted IKKα, an upstream kinase required for non-canonical NF-κB activation, using Osterix (Osx)-Cre. Surprisingly, we found no effect on either cancellous or cortical bone, even following mechanical loading. However, we noted that IKKα conditional knockout (cKO) mice began to lose body weight after 6 months of age with severe reductions in fat mass and lower adipocyte size in geriatric animals. qPCR analysis of adipogenic markers in fat pads of cKO mice indicated no difference in early differentiation, but instead markedly lower leptin with age. We challenged young mice with a high fat diet finding that cKO mice gained less weight and showed improved glucose metabolism. Low levels of recombination at the IKKα locus were detected in fat pads isolated from old cKO mice. To determine whether recombination occurs in adipocytes, we examined fat pads in Osx-Cre;TdT reporter mice; these showed increasing Osx-Cre-mediated expression in peripheral adipocytes from 6 weeks to 18 months. Since Osx-Cre drives recombination in peripheral adipocytes with age, we conclude that fat loss in cKO mice is most likely caused by progressive deficits of IKKα in adipocytes

Targeting adipocytic discoidin domain receptor 2 impedes fat gain while increasing bone mass


Xiaoyu Yang, Jing Li, Liting Zhao, Yazhuo Chen, Zhijun Cui, Taotao Xu, Xu Li, Shufang Wu & Yan Zhang


Obesity is closely associated with low-bone-mass disorder. Discoidin domain receptor 2 (DDR2) plays essential roles in skeletal metabolism, and is probably involved in fat metabolism. To test the potential role of DDR2 in fat and fat-bone crosstalk, Ddr2 conditional knockout mice (Ddr2Adipo) were generated in which Ddr2 gene is exclusively deleted in adipocytes by Adipoq Cre. We found that Ddr2Adipo mice are protected from fat gain on high-fat diet, with significantly decreased adipocyte size. Ddr2Adipo mice exhibit significantly increased bone mass and mechanical properties, with enhanced osteoblastogenesis and osteoclastogenesis. Marrow adipocyte is diminished in the bone marrow of Ddr2Adipo mice, due to activation of lipolysis. Fatty acid in the bone marrow was reduced in Ddr2Adipo mice. RNA-Seq analysis identified adenylate cyclase 5 (Adcy5) as downstream molecule of Ddr2. Mechanically, adipocytic Ddr2 modulates Adcy5-cAMP-PKA signaling, and Ddr2 deficiency stimulates lipolysis and supplies fatty acid for oxidation in osteoblasts, leading to the enhanced osteoblast differentiation and bone mass. Treatment of Adcy5 specific inhibitor abolishes the increased bone mass gain in Ddr2Adipo mice. These observations establish, for the first time, that Ddr2 plays an essential role in the crosstalk between fat and bone. Targeting adipocytic Ddr2 may be a potential strategy for treating obesity and pathological bone loss simultaneously.

Lamin A/C deficiency is associated with fat infiltration of muscle and bone


Jessica Tong, Wei Li, Christopher Vidal, Li Sze Yeo, Diane Fatkin, Gustavo Duque


Sarcopenia and osteopenia are two common components of the frailty syndrome that may share a common underlying mechanism. Since frailty has been associated with increased fat infiltration in muscle and bone, we hypothesized that lamin A/C, a protein of the nuclear envelope that regulates adipose differentiation, could be associated with the pathophysiology of both osteo and sarcopenia in the frailty syndrome. Four-week-old lamin A/C null (Lmna−/−), heterozygous (Lmna+/−) and wild type (WT) mice were sacrificed and their mid-thigh analyzed for fat infiltration using invasive (histology) and non-invasive (μCT) methods. Lmna−/− mice showed a significant increase in inter- (∼4-fold) and intra-myofiber (∼2.5-fold) fat and marrow fat infiltration (∼40-fold), with a significant decrease in muscle volume (−42.8%) and bone volume (−21.8%), as compared with WT controls. Furthermore, fat infiltration happened concomitantly with a significant decline in muscle and bone strength in Lmna−/− mice. From a mechanistic approach, high levels of pro-adipogenic factors PPARγ and C/EBPα were associated with a reduction in myogenic and osteogenic factors from the Wnt-10b/β-catenin signalling pathway in Lmna−/− mice. In conclusion, lamin A/C could constitute the determinant factor in the pathogenesis and potential treatment of both sarcopenia and osteopenia, which are commonly observed in the frailty syndrome.

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